Architect, designer, and street artist, NAWER is a graduate of Architecture and Urbanism program in Krakow.He has been involved in street art since the mid-'90s and, in 2003, he began devoting his time to his painting and freelance work as an interior designer.
In 2006 he created Artede7 Studio, which specializes in interior and graphic design as well as scenography. His creativity often manifests in the form of geometric graphicsplaced in public and functional spaces. While he blends objects within space for his interior design work, in his paintings he creates the illusion of 3D through perspective and axonometric projection, using aerosol as the main medium.
The combination of these two approaches allows NAWER to introduce a dynamic new energy to various unconventional surfaces. As his own style evolves, his goal is always "to strive forward in an effort to connect painting with architecture."