Supervised by Reika Akatsuki

The spiritual story of the 22 cards
To be able to experience the exact inspiration from the cards, make sure you understand the overall story to help you comprehend the meanings and characters of the cards.
0 The Fool
One day, the girl wondered, “Is this the way I want to be?”. Living in a city full of things, surrounded by friends and family, with no inconvenience; it’s fun, but something was not quite right…… Maybe going on a journey will lead me to new encounters and opportunities. Everyone around me tries to stop me, but if I don’t move now, surely nothing will change!
Upon thinking so, the fearless girl left her home with no preparation, lightly dressed. Relying only on her instincts and inner courage.
1 The Magician
First, the girl went to the mountain. It was a place with spiritual energy that she had always wanted to visit one day. At the top of the mountain, exhausted from all the climbing, she dozed off to sleep and had a strange dream.
An old man with a cane in his hand appeared and said to the girl, ” Your future is something you make yourself. Now, I shall bestow upon you a wondrous tool.” As the old man said so and swung his wand, a wand appeared in the girl’s hand as well. She realized that she was wearing a red cloak. “This is a magical wand that can make wishes come true with a single thought. I shall also give you a sword that can change reality with words, a holy grail that can change people’s hearts, and a coin that can give you the prosperity of wealth. With these tools, you will be able to change the reality at will.” he explained.
The old man gave the girl four tools and taught her the ways of magic and spells.
When she woke up from her dream, the girl had nothing in her hands. Despite that, the girl was still getting thrilled. She felt as if she really had the power to change the future by herself.
2 The High Priestess
The girl who woke up from the dream was climbing down the mountain when suddenly, a majestic temple appeared right in from of her.
The temple never existed when she first climbed up the mountain. As she went inside to pay a visit, she heard a faint voice coming from the back. Suddenly, the atmosphere became solemn, and a Miko (priestess) in a white robe appeared. In her hand, she was holding a branch clustered with red Nandin berries.
” Did you call me?” As the girl was puzzled being questioned so, the Miko shook the Nandins and played a beautiful melody.
“God will be pleased when you ring this fruit. I shall give you a divine prophecy.” After saying so, the Miko rang the Nandin again and told the girl, “You shall be reborn after this.” The unexpected prophecy filled the girl with excitement and joyful hunch.
3 The Empress
The girl was completely fascinated by the journey to the lake next. It was a place full of lush green nature and flowers blooming in profusion. As she sat by the lake admiring the beautiful scenery, a gorgeous and elegant lady walked by.
“This is a place where the blessings of heaven and earth abound. Everyone is in a state of happiness here. Being surrounded by the light of gratitude makes one more kind.” Said the beautiful lady and patted the girl’s head.
Just the way she stood and acted gave off a gorgeous atmosphere, like rose and cherry blossom petals danced in the air. The girl suddenly felt as if she had become very kind and beautiful as well. Not only that, but she also felt as if she knew how people can change their environment. Perhaps a grateful heart and a feeling of honest joy can change the environment around us in a beautiful way.
4 The Emperor
With more smiles on her face and gradually feeling kinder, the girl felt as though she could change reality and felt motivated and excited. She felt like she had to decide her future goal so next, she decided to head to the volcano which held powerful energy.
On a volcano with a thin plume of smoke, there was a historical-looking shrine with a single painting hanging inside. As she approached, she saw that it was a painting of a dignified man with a sword in his hand. From the way he dressed, he seemed to be a king from the ancient era. As the girl looked up at the painting, she heard a heavy voice in her ear.
“The sword I have is no tool for fighting. It is a sword of light that allows me to use my power for the benefit of others. To use your abilities for others, you must have unwavering determination and an indomitable spirit. Without making an effort to refine your abilities every day, you cannot do that.”
The girl suddenly realized: magic and gratitude are not enough to change reality. It’s not surprising that effort is also needed. Upon realizing so, the girl began to feel that she wanted to live a strong and noble life like this king.
5 The Hierophant
Realizing that she could change the future, but that it would not be easy, the girl felt really glad that she went on this journey. For if she had stayed at home, she wouldn’t have known anything. Realizing the importance of experiences, the girl continued on her journey to the most famous temple in the country.
It was the largest and most magnificent temple she had ever seen. It was a festival day and it seemed like a ritual was being held. As she looked through the crowd, she saw a procession of priests approaching. Leading the way was a woman walking with both hands holding a shiny pearl as an offering.
While she was in wonderment, a spectator next to her told her, “It’s a stone that is said to be the egg of life found in this region a long time ago. They say that the light from the stone can bring people back to life. The descendant of the priests who have carefully worshipped the stone for generation is the women in the front.”
Reflecting the sunlight, the pearl of life shone in seven different colors. It was so beautiful that it made the girl think that there might really be a power beyond humankind.
6 The Lovers
When the girl returned home, she felt that she was a completely different person than she was before her journey began. After meeting some very influential people and receiving advice and inspiration, the girl was beginning to change.
“From now on, I’m going to start making plans to create my own future, little by little!” Just as she was contemplating the plan, her cell phone rang. It was a friend asking her out on a double date. He told her that he was going to bring a friend, so she should come and the four should have a date together.
The girl thought for a moment and replied, “Sure, no problem.” The future is unpredictable. But without action, nothing will happen. If I go, something might happen. Thus, she made up her mind.
After being introduced to him, the girl was so comfortable with him that it was hard to believe they had never met before, and the four of them had a great time at the park.
Cupid looked at her from a tree branch and whispered, “That’s the man who will be your future husband.”
7 The Chariot
The girl, who had somewhat gotten the hang of her way of living, figured that all she had to do now was start running! Because the future is created by our own decisions and efforts, we have no choice but to push forward. “I’ll do whatever I want to do.” The girl began to thrust herself forward.
However, reality is not that easy. Looking only ahead, she kept running into obstacles here and there……. Things did not turn out the way she wanted them to. There also existed many temptations that lured her to be lazy. Her self-confidence began to slip. Nevertheless, the girl did not lose and continues to move forward. It’s still hard to get used to, and it’s not easy to get results, but let’s try my best and continue, the girl thought and reflected positively about it.
8 Justice
The girl learned that reality was harsh. She also learned her weakness and naivety. She knew she had to do something about it, but she couldn’t resist the temptation and went shopping in town again, and found a new statue in the square. It was a statue of a goddess holding a scale and a balance.
When the girl saw the statue, she was instantly inspired. She thought that the goddess’s sword was used to cut off weakness and temptation, and the scale was used to balance things out as if weighing them. In other words, to live up to our objectives, we need to look at things more objectively and find balance within ourselves. And without her own standards, she thought, she would not be able to fulfill the purpose for which she was born. At that moment, as if to tell her that she was right, several pigeons took off from the square.
It seemed to the girl that the goddess was telling her that, “When your beliefs waver, this is the place to come. It’s important to realize that you need to find a balance. From now on, just fix it, little by little.”
9 The Hermit
The girl these days has been staying at home. Today, too, she pondered in her room alone; “I’ve been noticing things and making efforts, but I haven’t changed a bit. Reality is the same as before. Is it because of my weakness? What’s wrong with me?”
As she began to analyze her own personality, the girl felt as if she had lost all confidence and was in a maze. Then, suddenly, she looked up and saw a book fall from the shelf. It was a book from the Words of the Sages series, which she had bought a long time ago but had not read. She picked up the book, which contained the words of the sages, and on the page, she opened, she found the following words; “Now if you are struggling, therein lies the truth.”
That’s right! The girl felt as if she had woken up. She realized that if she could thoroughly examine what was bothering her right now and find the root of it, she could solve that portion of the problem.
そうか! 少女は目が覚めたような気持ちでした。自分が今、悩んでいることをとことん見つめ、その根元がわかれば、その部分を解決すればいいと気づいたのです。
10 Wheel of Fortune
The next weekend, the girl really wanted to see the ocean, so she took a long trip and headed to the beach. The sound of the waves echoed comfortably through the sandy beach.
As she sat and watched the ocean for a while, clouds appeared out of nowhere and began to spin around like a whirlwind.
What could it be? Wondering, the girl stared at the sky, and before she knew it, a thick fog had surrounded her. She felt dizzy for a moment, and when she opened her eyes, the girl was in the clouds. Surprised, a screen appeared in front of her. On it was a reflection of herself as a newborn. There she was, surrounded by the smiling faces of her parents and grandparents, smiling happily.
As the girl looked around, she saw that there were many screens around. On the screens, the lives of various people from all over the world were being shown. The lives of people, all different countries, all from different times, were being shown one after another, just like a movie or drama.
Seeing this, the girl thought sincerely,
“Everyone has their own life, their own way of living. I am I. This is okay!”.
何だろう? 不思議に思って少女は空を見つめていると、いつのまにか少女のまわりに濃い霧が立ちこめてきました。一瞬気が遠くなり、目を開けると少女は雲の中。驚いていると、目の前にスクリーンが登場しました。そこには、生まれたばかりの自分が映っています。そこには、両親やおじいちゃんおばあちゃんの笑顔に囲まれ、幸せそうに笑っている自分がいました。
11 Strength
The girl felt power bursting from her body. Until that day, she had never been able to feel confident. However, the way of living happily was something she herself could make.
As she thought about it, she began to see the good in her face and personality that she had hated so much. Her slit eyes are cool, and she is proud of her skin. She is a good cook and on top of that ……
“Yes, I was always good at painting. I got compliments all the time and was even told that I could become a professional.”
The girl suddenly thought so, and wondered if she could work in the world of painting. So, she asked and acquaintance to have her paintings reviewed by a professional illustrator.
The future is unpredictable. But let’s live life to the fullest! Anxiety turned into joy of living, and the girl was excited. She felt courage welling up from within her body.
未来は予測できない。でも、精いっぱい生きよう! 不安が生きる喜びに変わり、少女はワクワクしています。勇気が体の中から湧いてくるのを感じていました。
12 The Hanged Man
The words of the illustrator who looked at her painting disheartened the girl.
“Yes, you may have talent. But you’re still too far from being a professional. You need to work harder on your uniqueness.”
The girl, who thought she could become a professional even from the next day, was shocked and devastated. The shock turned into anger. “He’s saying it deliberately to crush my talent!” She thought. “What a mean person! It is absolutely ridiculous that I am way far off.”
She was filled with anger and even started to get a headache from it. When she burned some white sage to calm herself down, it was as if her head was covered with black clouds, and she felt even worse and worse. But the next moment, the black cloud disappeared in a flash.
Her mind and body instantly became much lighter, and her anger disappeared. She felt as though an evil spirit possessing her had been warded off, and she was ready to listen to the advice of a professional. She learned that she could be pulled into negative feelings regardless of her intentions, and she began to realize that the “self” she thought she was might not be the “real self”.
明日からでもプロになれると思っていた少女は、ショックに打ちのめされます。ショックは、だんだん怒りへと変わってきました。「私の才能を潰すためにわざと言ってるんだわ!いじわるな人! まだまだだなんて、絶対におかしい。」
13 Death
Upon reflecting on her mistakes, the girl realized that there was something inside of her that was not her true self. And she thought she wanted to get rid of that ‘something’ and live as her true self.
But how can I do that? The girl thought as she looked at the painting she had made. She thought to herself, “By showing me the painting and asking for advice, I was able to realize what I was lacking. That’s why it was good that I showed it to him. If you don’t take action, nothing will change. It’s important to carefully observe the result and notice things.”
When she realized this, and looked into the mirror in her room, she was surprised. In the mirror, she saw herself standing there with a large scythe. She appeared as if she was using the scythe to chase away and reap the evil from within her. “I guess I need to do this reaping process to become a new me!” The girl decided to start all over again from scratch and be reborn.
14 Temperance
As soon as the girl decided to be reborn, the mirror suddenly lit up. The girl closed her eyes in dazzle, and when she opened her eyes again, found herself in a shining, white world.
It was like a world above the heavens. At the edge of the lake, an angel was pouring water on a golden egg.
The angel said,
“This egg is the egg of the Fenghuang (heavenly phoenix). It was filled with the seeds of life. If you pour the water of light into it, it will gradually hatch and a Fenghuang with the seeds of life will be born. The Fenghuang gives light to all living things. But there is a messenger of darkness who wants to extinguish all this light, so I’m taking care of it like this so that a new Fenghuang can be born.”
“Darkness? Where does that come from?” The girl asked back.
The angel looked the girl right in the eye and answered, “You’ve had it in your heart, too. The darkness is everywhere, trying to steal the light. Have a drink from this fountain and you will see. Drinking the water from the fountain will cast out the darkness from your mind and increase the light”.
She drank a cup of water from the spring. At that moment, she collapsed in front of the mirror.
生まれ変わると決意したとたん、鏡が突然、光を放ちました。まぶしい! と目を閉じた少女が、次に目を開けたとき見たのは、白く輝く世界でした。
「闇? それはどこにあるの?」少女は問い返しました。 天使は、少女の目を見て答えました。
15 The Devil
As the girl woke up, she could not tell if what had just happened was a dream or reality. However, she understood that if she didn’t try to increase the light in her life, she might be swallowed by the darkness. Thus, she felt much braver than before, perhaps because of the water from the fountain.
It was at that very moment. The illustrator who had seen her painting the other day called her and said he would introduce her to an editor. The girl happily went to the given store. However, after briefly glancing at the girl’s painting, the editor whispered in her ears, “If you go on a date with me for a day, I’ll let you draw the cover of my book.”
She couldn’t comprehend what he was talking about for a moment. However, as soon as she realized what it meant, her blood rushed to her head and she ran out of the store. As she suddenly ran off, it was a young man who saved her from crashing into a car.
“Thank you.” she said, and the man looked at her with concern and said,
“You’ve got some serious power. Your power is great, but it’s too bright and you’re an easy target. Don’t let them crush you.”
“What does he mean by that?”, she thought. He continued, “You should take a meditation class to keep the light inside you. Why don’t you come with me?” and he invited the girl to join him.
16 The Tower
The encounter with a mysterious man. She had no idea what kind of person he is, but she decided to follow him, for she did not want to lose ‘the light inside her’, as the man described.
It was her first-time meditating, so she mimicked her surroundings and closed her eyes. Gradually, she became sleepy and dozed off. When she woke up, she found that the painting she was holding was nowhere to be found. The people around her acted as if they didn’t know anything about it. The girl was so shocked that she just stood there in a daze. At that moment, she heard voices talking from somewhere.
“The spirit of a young girl is so invigorating. That girl’s power was especially great, so I sucked it all out of her.”
The girl couldn’t believe what she just heard. Her power had been sucked out of her. This was worse than a date. Shock and sadness washed over her.
I have no choice about the painting. I have to get out of here right now. The girl ran home at full speed.
17 The Star
In despair over the shocking event and her own shallowness, the girl collapsed in bed crying. She even prayed to the statue of Mary that hung in her room for help. Then she fell asleep and had a strange dream that night.
On a planet, full of shining stars in the sky, a woman was pouring water into the earth and rivers with a water jar. As the girl was wondering what she was doing, the statue of Mary she was praying to answered in her ear.
“Do you remember the lake where you saw the Fenghuang’s egg? The water in that lake is the water or light which will become the source of life. She is pouring that water into the earth and rivers. She is pouring it all the time so that people on earth can live without losing the light of hope, so that those who have lost the light can regain it.”
The girl was touched by the woman’s dedication. Seeing her, the girl thought ‘I too, should try once again.’
「鳳凰の卵を見た湖を憶えていますか? あの湖の水は、命の元になる光の水です。彼女は、その水を大地と川に注いでいるのです。地上の人が希望の光を失わないで生きられるように、光を失った人にも光が戻るように、ずっと注いでいるのよ。」
18 The Moon
The girl decided to believe in herself and try again. “Let’s try applying for an open call for illustrations. Let’s make my current abilities clear there.” She decided so, and started to draw a new painting.
However, a feeling of anxiety quickly overwhelmed her.
“What’s the point of doing this?” It was hard for her to keep painting when the thought like that crossed her mind. She even started to feel like she should just quit.
“But I must have a talent. The fact that I love to paint is proof of that. I have to believe in myself!”, the girl convinced herself and fighting off her anxieties, she was finally able to complete a painting that satisfied her.
少女は、もう一度、自分を信じて挑戦してみることにしました。「イラストの公募に応募してみよう。そこで、自分の今の実力をはっきりさせよう。」 そう決意して、新しく絵を描き始めたのです。
19 The Sun
The day of the open call announcement. The girl cut the seal of the notice she received with a feeling of excitement. “I’ve been selected!” Her heart was filled with joy as she realized that she had been accepted.
Although the painting itself had been selected, she felt as if her own existence had been accepted as well. She was filled with joy, and her anxiety was gone before she knew it.
The girl had always thought that she was insecure because her paintings had never been accepted. But the truth was that she was insecure about her very existence. Overcoming her weaknesses, regaining her self-pride, the girl’s confidence now became something which was unshakable. She gained new hope that there are likely people who understand that she is trying her very best, and she can have an impact of the people around her. The confidence to make her wishes come true on her own began to overflow in her once again. The spark in her heart that the girl had won for herself had become a real light that no one could extinguish.
公募の発表の日。少女はドキドキしながら届いた通知の封を切りました。やった、入選! 自分が認められたと思うと、少女の胸は喜びでいっぱいになりました。
20 Revival
The girl, whose heart was finally filled with light, sat alone on the riverbank. As she gazed aimlessly at the sky, she saw a Fenghuang, the bird from the heavens, flying towards her from afar. Fenghuang was approaching, with its large wings flapping and golden seeds falling to the ground.
“The egg the angel was raising by the lake has hatched! Those shiny grains are the seeds of life that were stuck in the egg”.
The girl was moved by the splendor of the scene and gazed in fascination. Eventually, the Fenghuang flew above the girl’s head and started showering her with grains of light. The girl’s body, bathed in the grains of light, started to glitter and shine. The body shines not only because of the grains that the phoenix showered on her but also because the light of her soul began to flood out of her body as well.
The girl remembered what it was like before she was born. After traveling through different eras over and over, going though countless experiences again and again, the girl was now here, in the present day. The girl was convinced of the existence of a soul that has been traveling for a long, long time.
“This is my ‘real self’!”
It was the moment when the real girl herself, her own immanent God, soul and Higher Self, or True Self, was resurrected.
※It means (Immanent God = Soul = Higher Self = True Self)
「湖のほとりで天使が育てていた卵が孵ったんだ! あの光っている粒は、卵につまっていた生命の種ね。」
21 The World
The girl discovered that she had been reborn.
It seems as if she had been wearing the costume of someone else. Her obsession with painting disappeared, and the anxiety in her heart was gone. What the girl knows is that it was her soul’s desire to be born in this era, in this country.
“Let’s be grateful for being born, feel the present of our time to the fullest, and build our own happiness. Let’s leave it to the will of nature and live as our soul desires.”
As she was pondering, flowers began to bloom and animals began to gather around her. In her hands, she was holding a peach branch.
She felt as if she could go back and forth between the earthly and heavenly worlds with the Fenghuang. There was no need for the girl to use magic anymore. She had already become one with nature. It seems that the mother earth is smiling along with the girl.
“Of course I love painting, but anything else I do should be taken seriously too. And enjoy the world around me.”
It came to her naturally. Now, she realizes that all she really wants to do is to live in order to increase her own light. She has become one with the universe.
「生まれてきたことに感謝して、ここで精いっぱい時代の“今”を感じて、自分らしい幸せを築いていこう。 天の意志にまかせて、魂の望むように生きていこう。」
自然とそう思えてきます。 今、少女は、自分自身の光を増やすために生きることが、自分の本当にやりたいことだと気づいています。少女は、世界(宇宙)とひとつになったのです。