Is Tohoku-ga possible?
Natsunosuke Mise and Masatake Kozaki started this project at Tohoku University of Art & Design in November 2009 as a tutorial activity to ponder art in Tohoku. The group consists of faculty members, current and former students, and like-minded artists from Tohoku University of Art & Design. Based in Yamagata, the group has conducted fieldwork in Fukushima and Aomori, exhibited works not only in Tohoku but also in Tokyo, Kyoto, and beyond, exploring various natures of Tohoku through discussions, productions, and exhibitions with members from all over Japan. The first book of art from the project is scheduled to be released from Bijutsu Shuppansha in July.
Past Exhibitions
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible? No.1″ @Art Space Rashinban/Tokyo, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible? -Ark Project-“ @imura art gallery/Tokyo, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible? -Ark Project-“ @Yamatogawa Sake Brewery/Kitakata, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible?” @neutron tokyo/Tokyo, Japan
“Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art” @Taro Okamoto Museum of Art/Kanagawa, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible? ~Manazashi no Kaihō (Liberation of Views)~” @ARTZONE/Kyoto, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible?” @Rias Ark Museum of Art/Miyagi, Japan
“Yamagata Biennale 2014″ @Tohoku University of Art & Design, 7F Gallery, Research Building Gallery/Yamagata, Japan
“Shinsai to Hyōgen BOX ART: Kyōyūsurutame no Mataphor (Earthquake and Expression BOX ART: Metaphors for Sharing)“ @Rias Ark Museum of Art/Miyagi, Japan
”Is Tohoku-ga Possible? -Chihō no Kuni Kōsōzu Hakubutsukan (The Museum of Regional Concepts)-” @Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Gallery B/Tokyo, Japan
“Tsukurukoto wa Ikirukoto Shinsai
”Is Tohoku-ga Possible? -Chihō no Kuni Kōsōzu Hakubutsukan (The Museum of Regional Concepts)-” @Tsuruoka Art Forum/Yamagata, Japan
“TARO Shō Nijū-nen Nijū-nin no Onigo tachi (TARO Award 20th Anniversary: 20 Demon Children)” @Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum of Art/Tokyo, Japan
“Is Tohoku-ga Possible? -Senkei Banshoku (A Thousand Views and Myriad Colors)-” @Maruki Gallery For The Hiroshima Panels, Saitama, Japan