No Window No Cry (Junzo Sakakura, L’Institut, Institut franco-japonais de Tokyo) on display at L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo et Yokohama

In conjunction with the October 14 opening of Anri Sala’s solo exhibition at Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Sala’s work “No Window No Cry (Junzo Sakakura, L’Institut, Institut franco-japonais de Tokyo) ” will be on exhibit at L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo et Yokohama.

The work involves the resonance generated by a music box fitted to one of L’Institut’s native window panes and a second music box fitted to a specially installed window provided by Kaikai Kiki Gallery. Both window panes are of identical size and the music boxes are of the same variety. Guests will actually be able to wind the music box themselves, allowing them to take part in the performance.

To install the work, we had specially made glass flown in all the way from France.

The work is on exhibit in room 102 on the building’s second floor.

After doing maintenance on the frame, we fitted the custom-made music box to the glass.

The finished piece. It loks almost as if it’s floating in mid-air.

The piece seen from outside. The music box plays the song “Should I stay or should I go” by the Clash, adding an extra layer of sound to the accompanying video and constructing a unique space which can only be experienced at that time and place.

After supervising the installation, Anri gives us the ok!

We hope you’ll stop by L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo et Yokohama to experience and participate in this unique work yourself.

No Window No Cry (Junzo Sakakura, L’Institut, Institut franco-japonais de Tokyo)
Thursday October 13, 2011 – Friday November 11, 2011
Accessible during the Institute’s regular hours (except during regularly scheduled classes in room 102)
Admission is free to room 102
For further details, contact:03-5206-2500
L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo et Yokohama