Kenjiro Okazaki – “Et in Arcadia Ego, The Hidden Place Called “Sculpture”

On May 20 2013, Kenjiro Okazaki’s work will be featured “Et in Arcadia Ego, The Hidden Place Called “Sculpture” an exhibition which he also provided conceptual planning for, at the Musashino Art University Museum & Library.

Dates:Monday May 20 ~ Saturday August 10, 2013 (Museum will be closed on June 9 (Sun) and July 15 (National Holiday)
Hours:10:00〜18:00 (Doors close at 17:00 on Saturdays and days outside the normal schedule)
Entrance Fee:Free
Venue:Musashino Art University Museum & Library, Exhibition rooms 1&2, Atrium

Part 1, a Conceptual Exhibit on Tombs

<Exhibited works>
Ancient Etruscan sculpture; works by Alberto Giacometti, Isamu Noguchi, Seichi Shirai, and Isamu Wakabayashi;
Sculptures, Drawings, Architectural Models (Planning by Kenjiro Okazaki)

Part 2 Works by 7 Sculptors

<Participating Artists>
Shigeo Toya, Hirotake Kurokawa, Makoto Ito, Kenjiro Okazaki, Atsuhiko Misawa, Eri Takayanagi

For further details, click on the link below: