- 2017/06/09Talkshow: MADSAKI Solo Exhibition, “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”
- 2016/10/17A Special Exhibition Commemorating the Release of the Catalog for Takashi Murakami’s Superflat Collection
- 2014/12/25Live Talk Report: Aso Kojima x Takashi Murakami
- 2014/09/27Live Talk Report: Kazumi Nakamura x Mika Yoshitake
- 2014/05/27About speech at the Asia Society
- 2013/06/20Exhibition “Takashi in Superflat Wonderland” Opening From July 4
- 2013/06/01Anri Sara, Matthew Monahan participated in the Venice Biennale
- 2013/05/17Kenjiro Okazaki – “Et in Arcadia Ego, The Hidden Place Called “Sculpture”
- 2013/04/16ob x Kazuki Sugawara: Live Performance in conjunction
- 2012/11/30Aya Takano, “Heaven Is Inside Of You”
- 2012/11/30Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
- 2012/10/17Regarding The Temporary Break Period for Kaikai Kiki Gallery Taipei and Hidari Zingaro Taipei
- 2011/10/31Artist Talk by Anri Sala at L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo
- 2011/10/19Anri Sala x Takashi Murakami Live Talk at Louis Vuitton Japan/ONE Omotesando
- 2011/10/13No Window No Cry (Junzo Sakakura, L’Institut, Institut franco-japonais de Tokyo) on display at L’Institut Franco-Japonais de Tokyo et Yokohama
- 2011/10/06Anri Sala – Concurrent Exhibition at the National Museum Of Art, Osaka
- 2011/06/21google Anniversary logo
Anri Sara, Matthew Monahan participated in the Venice Biennale
Artist Anril Sala, who held a solo exhibition at Kaikai Kiki Gallery in 2011, is currently representing France at the Venice Biennale with an exhibition at the German Pavilion (France and Germany have swapped Pavilions this year as a symbol of cooperation).

Sala’s contribution is an installation divided across three rooms, featuring four videos played in a semi-anechoic space. The content of the videos is centered around a concerto for the left hand written by composer Maurice Ravel.

“Unravel” (Part 1)
In the first room, viewers are confronted with a video of a young DJ attempting to create a remix which combines two distinct performances of the Ravel piece.

In the next room, two video screens show footage of two pianists playing the Ravel piece at different speeds.
「Ravel Ravel」, 2013
Projection vidéo HD sur deux écrans, couleur, son multi-canal,
durée : 20 min. 45 sec. chacun
Courtesy : Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris ; Marian Goodman Gallery, New York ;
Hauser & Wirth, Zurich/Londres
©Anri Sala

“Unravel” (Part 2), 2013
The final room shows the DJ performing her completed remix inside the German Pavilion.
Projection vidéo HD, couleur, sur deux écrans pré
sentés dans deux espaces distincts. Son : discrete
2.0 (première projection) et discrete 4.0 surround
(deuxième projection).
Durée : respectivement 6’ 25” et 20’ 45”
Courtesy : Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris ; Marian
Goodman Gallery, New York ; Hauser & Wirth, Zu
rich/Londres ; kurimanzutto, Mexico City
©Anri Sala
Artist Matthew Monahan, who exhibited at Kaikai Kiki Gallery in 2012, is also participating in this year’s Venice Biennale. His work is featured in the exhibition “The Encyclopedic Palace,” organized by Massimiliano Gioni, curator of Takashi Murakami’s Solo Exhibition Murakami-Ego.
Setting up shop in the Arsenale, a former rope and naval factory, Gioni has converted the space by adding white walls to form a labyrinth-like environment.

The three new sculptures by Monahan stand at the end of the corridor in the fourth room. Here we see the artist exploring new possibilities through the use of metal and bronze. He has also revealed the results of his recent research on textiles with the readily apparent use of soft materials. Monahan manipulates the same material is different ways, creating a strong contrast between rust and gold.

The works create a fascinating relationship with the surrounding space.
The antique environment seems to interact with the different forms of bronze.